The negative effects of sleep apnoea syndromes

Sydney Airway Clinic > The negative effects of sleep apnoea syndromes

The body’s rely on some basic foundations that underpin all our eleven systems. These are

  • oxygen
  • carbon dioxide (a little known fact)
  • the autonomic nervous system

When these three systems are disrupted due to structural deficiencies or compensatory dysfunctions, we end up with

  1. recurrent intermittent hypoxias
  2. elevated stress response and autonomic imbalance
  3. inflammation

The mechanisms above combine to overwhelm the body, create imbalance, and every bodily system is compromised. The following is a list (by no means exhaustive) of what can happen:

  • Respiratory: impacts gas exchange in the lungs, blood oxygen saturdation and oxygen uptake in the periphery
  • Cardiovascular: cardiac arrhythmias (e.g. atrial fibrillation) systemic hypertension, pulmonary hypertension, right heart failure, increase the chance of carotid stenosis
  • Neurological:
    • impaired motor function and weakness in the muscles of the throat due to constant vibration. Nerves supplying these muscles also suffer injury.
    • recurrent middle ear infections impairs hearing
    • autonomic imbalance
    • attention/memory is impaired -> ADHD misdiagnosis
  • Gastrointestinal
  • Endocrine
    • iron deficiency due to absorption issues from general inflammation from chronic intermittent hypoxia
    • insulin-resistant diabetes
    • growth hormone release is affected resulting in development issues
    • increased adrenaline not just in the blood but in the urine. The increased adrenaline impact the heart as well as increases blood sugar levels
  • Increased inflammation and immune compromise
    • increased risk of cancer due to the downregulation of
  • Genitourinary system
    • reduced fertility
    • bed wetting

Whilst our bodies are robust and have inbuilt mechanisms to counter these threats, eventually it will give way. And what eventuates is chronic illness in multiple systems. We may think we are living longer but we are actually dying longer.

How serious is this? It is estimated that 93% of women and 82% of men with moderate to severe sleep apnoea syndrome have not been clinically diagnosed. So it’s really serious!

So where to from here? An assessment ofcourse! Learn more about that here.

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