

ADHD and sleep: the link

ADHD (attendion deficit hyperactivity disorder) is a condition affecting a growing number of children in our society. Symptoms include: hyperactivity, difficiluty concentrating for extended periors of time and memory deficits. Treatment involves counselling, psychotherapy and possibly medication. ADHD (also known as ADD – attendion deficit disorder) is thought to be caused by neurological or psychological...
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Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome – the silent epidemic

UARS is a condition described in the 1990s by Dr Christian Guilleminault. He was studying young, fit men and women who were chronically tired. Sleep tests were providing limited insight into apnoeas and airway obstructions so initially, he had no explanation for the patients’ symptoms. However, with more detailed analysis he noticed a pattern. All...
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The negative effects of sleep apnoea syndromes

The body’s rely on some basic foundations that underpin all our eleven systems. These are oxygencarbon dioxide (a little known fact)the autonomic nervous system When these three systems are disrupted due to structural deficiencies or compensatory dysfunctions, we end up with recurrent intermittent hypoxiaselevated stress response and autonomic imbalanceinflammation The mechanisms above combine to overwhelm...
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What is obstructive sleep apnoea?

Sleep apnoea is a recently named condition. Infact, the term was originally coined in the 1970s.  It’s a well known fact that there is currently an epidemic of sleep disorders worldwide.  In 2010, an estimated 1.5million (8.9%) of Australians had a sleep disorder. Of this, more than half had obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA). Whilst snoring...
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What is functional breathing?

Functional breathing is respiration that appropriately serves the two primary functions of: biochemical – regulation of oxygen, carbon dioxide and blood pHbiomechanical – adequate action of the respiratory pump, the diaphragm Functional breathing varies between individuals because we are all different. However, the general agreement is that the following parameters need to be present for...
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Sticky Post

Welcome to Sydney Airway Clinic

Welcome to Sydney Airway Clinic. I’m extremely grateful that you’ve taken the time to visit our website. I genuinely believe that the model of care we provide our patients is a new paradigm shift in the way healthcare should be delivered in the disciplines of dentistryairway healthsleep health I’ve pooled together a team of clinicians...
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